Monday, 15 May 2017

Work in Progress

My work relies on accidents which can be about finding the right material, to exploring arrangements,  to finding where pieces should be placed. 
Many of the recent pieces have explored colour, so today I decided to make pieces that were based around one colour. The first piece was based around shades of green.


The second  colour theme was brown.  I wanted to introduce some contrasting papers and pulled out a file of of old newspapers from the 1960s. We originally found these when we replaced our windows at home,  packed into the gaps for insulation. I pulled out a piece and was surprised to find the date was May 13 1960 (today is May 15th 2017!). The headline  says Black Friday for Labour in polls - which is not a good omen for the current situation, but some things never change! As I searched for a different background I came across this record sleeve inside a record cover  I had picked up in a charity shop in Saddleworth. 

Serendipity Palimpsest Fortuitous Accident

Finally at the studio I rediscovered a book I have been searching for, which I also discovered in Saddleworth  (visiting a friends exhibition).   I am planning to use this book for the Open House exhibition 30th June - 2nd July. It is called The Round of the Year by Patience Strong. On the Sunday 2nd July we are linking to Old Trafford Open Gardens and we are all making some work related to this theme as well as inviting other artists to show with us.

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