Saturday, 19 August 2017

Lobster Pot and Other Plastics

It had been my intention to make a beach combing collection whilst on holiday at the Llyn Peninsula this summer as I’ve wanted to return to making assemblages as I did nearly 20 years ago. Even further back at Shave Farm in 1992 I made two small reliefs which I have always loved and these too were in the back of my mind.

Whilst in Wales I photographed a plastic lobster pot on Criccieth beach. One side of the lobster pot was ripped open and the netting was broken.   I liked that I could see through the netting and its sculptural qualities which reminded me of Tony Cragg's sculptures and drawings. I have also made a lot of work based  around a  lobster pot  fisherman who has featured in earlier work (these are two links that lead to previous posts about that work).  I left it on the beach, having too much else to carry that day, however, when I posted it on Instagram some people asked if I'd taken home.
The top part of the beach is covered in pieces of plastic, so much of it was washed up on the shore, Alan was horrified and environmentally so was I, but aesthetically I was in my element, the subdued colours  and the fact that the pieces were scratched and snarled reminded me of my collage pieces. I picked up some pieces and tried out some small arrangements back at the cottage.                          
I wanted to go  back before we left Wales and the this time I was prepared with plastic carrier bags to collect more pieces.  I also hoped that  the  lobster pot would still be there. 
After a while Alan got fed up  and wanted to go, but at least I had managed to fill one of my bags with plastic. I was just about to leave when I spotted the lobster pot sitting at the edge of the sea.  
I brought it back home and for now it is sitting in the back garden.

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Levens Hall Gardens Inspiration

We used to travel past the sign for Levens Hall a few times a year on our way to the lakes, but we hadn't visited for many years.  This time, however, I was on my own and it was one of my last visits.  It was a gloriously sunny day and despite £9 entrance fee I decided to go into the gardens and once again I was entranced by the wonderful topiary and secret gardens spaces.  I spent the afternoon taking photographs of the truly Alice in Wonderland landscape
 The Open House exhibition this year, is linked to Old Trafford Open Gardens and these gardens have provided the perfect setting for a series of work.
 Mixed media collage and gouache 
  Mixed media collage and gouache  
Faber Gallery paintings and copper sulphate print

Monday, 15 May 2017

Work in Progress

My work relies on accidents which can be about finding the right material, to exploring arrangements,  to finding where pieces should be placed. 
Many of the recent pieces have explored colour, so today I decided to make pieces that were based around one colour. The first piece was based around shades of green.


The second  colour theme was brown.  I wanted to introduce some contrasting papers and pulled out a file of of old newspapers from the 1960s. We originally found these when we replaced our windows at home,  packed into the gaps for insulation. I pulled out a piece and was surprised to find the date was May 13 1960 (today is May 15th 2017!). The headline  says Black Friday for Labour in polls - which is not a good omen for the current situation, but some things never change! As I searched for a different background I came across this record sleeve inside a record cover  I had picked up in a charity shop in Saddleworth. 

Serendipity Palimpsest Fortuitous Accident

Finally at the studio I rediscovered a book I have been searching for, which I also discovered in Saddleworth  (visiting a friends exhibition).   I am planning to use this book for the Open House exhibition 30th June - 2nd July. It is called The Round of the Year by Patience Strong. On the Sunday 2nd July we are linking to Old Trafford Open Gardens and we are all making some work related to this theme as well as inviting other artists to show with us.